Sewing ideas


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The sewing instructions

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Materials :

  • 1 x 20cm zip fastener
  • 25cm length of fabric


Instructions :


  • Cut out a square of fabric measuring 22.5cm, and from the remaining fabric cut out two circles, each measuring 8.5cm in diameter. (If you own an embroidery machine, you may like to embroider a design on the fabric square - see our example).
  • Open the zip fully. Take the fabric square and fold it in half, right side facing outwards. Position the zip on each side of the two longer edges.
  • Tack the zip in place to hold all three elements together securely.
  • Being sure to keep your work flat, sew the zip into place on each edge of the fabric using the special zipper foot. (If you're using an Elna machine, all models come equipped with a special foot which allows you to sew both sides of your zip in the same direction, to avoid the risk of kinks that might prevent the zip from moving smoothly.)



  • Close the zip, and turn your work inside out, so that the right side of the fabric is now on the inside.
  • Sew a fabric circle onto each open end of the pochette using the standard foot. To simplify your task, place the circles underneath (this makes it easier to control your sewing, and to sew in a circle).


  • pen the zip and turn the pochette right-side out.

Helpful hints

  • If you're using a fabric that has a tendency to fray, you can overcast the edges of your fabric using your overlocker before starting to sew. Choose a simple stitch, such as a 3-thread overlock or 2-thread overcast, to avoid creating excessive thickness.
  • If want to line your pochette (in order to hide the back of the embroidery, or for a more robust result), you'll need to do this before sewing in the zip:  
  1. Cut out two fabric squares of identical size.
  2. Embroider the square that will serve as the outside of the pochette.
  3. Place the second square, which will serve as the lining, on top of the embroidered square, wrong side out against wrong side out.
  4. Sew the two pieces together, leaving a 3mm margin.
  5. Return to the main instructions.