Looking for something different in your quilt construction instead of sewing together fabrics with a hidden ¼" seam? Well, now it's time to have some fun and show off all of those wonderful decorative stitches. The definition of the Crazy quilt method could be the assembly of a lot of small pieces into one new fabric. These pieces are put onto a base fabric that is not visible, contrary to the appliqué method where the base fabric is always visible.
Here's a great way to use up all those left over pieces from your other projects as well as a bigger cut of fabric that begs the question - "Why did I buy THIS?" Start with the small pieces. Any shape, size or color will do. Just make sure all pieces have clean cut edges. Then use that unwanted larger fabric as a base. Lay out and overlap the small quilt pieces on top of the base fabric, making sure none of the base fabric is visible. (This differs from appliqué where the base fabric is always visible.) Place wash-away stabilizer on top, select a decorative stitch and start sewing. Change thread colors and decorative stitches frequently. You'll be amazed by the beautiful results. See the example below. The wash-away stabilizer holds the small pieces together. When you sew, you do not necessarily follow the shapes of the small pieces.
Use the satin stitch foot for decorative stitching or, if there are many layers, use a walking foot.